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DLC Week of 5/13: BANNERS and Nonpoint

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The clouds around Castle Bloodstone open to reveal the sun and like magic, flowers begin to grow from the soot. You and your party begin climbing back down the steps and at the bottom you are met by Mother Bass. They congratulate you on your successful journey in saving Rockbandlandia and teleport you back to Pedal Town. A glorious celebration awaits you with all of your friends and family, as well as people affected by the Great Rivals Dragon. You and your Crew laugh and celebrate as the scene fades to black. The End?

“Someone To You” is the breakout single from BANNERS’ debut 2019 album Where The Shadow Ends whose inspiring message and uplifting sound swept through TikTok as the soundtrack to heartwarming videos, helping connect people and stay positive during early days of the quarantine. Drummers will have a fun time with this one and even if you’re not on vocals, you’ll be singing along by that second chorus.

BANNERS has been releasing a string of excellent singles recently including “Someone To You” and his latest, “If I Didn’t Have You.” Stay up to date with tour info, grab some merch and watch the latest videos at

The title track from their 2010 album, Nonpoint’s “Miracle” is a heavy and melodic rock track that’s got something for everyone. The groovy guitar riffs and technical basslines combined with the hard-hitting drums and intensely delivered vocals creates a fierce and powerful track that is sure to get your head bobbing.

You can get these two tracks and many more with the Season 21 Season Pass and save big.

BANNERS’ “Someone To You” and Nonpoint’s “Miracle” will be available for $1.99.

  • BANNERS - “Someone To You”
  • Nonpoint - “Miracle”

VIDEO: Rock Band 4 DLC Week of 5/13: BANNERS and Nonpoint



*Please note that this week’s DLC tracks will be available for purchase on Thursday, May 13th.