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Rock Band 4 September Update Now Available!

Hey everyone! We’ve got an update for Rock Band 4 today with some bug fixes. It’s a quick read, check out the list below for what’s included in today's update.

  • Fixed issue where Online Quickplay players would get stuck in 'Checking Setlist' loop
  • Unlock behavior for Crew’s in Charge and Higher Ground Achievements/Trophies improved
  • Seasonal reward unlocks are now one-time checks, not recurring server checks

A quick note on the Online Quickplay bug fix – often in development you can fix a bug only to find that there was another bug lurking behind it. That was the case with this setlist issue. The last update included some code that gave us better tools to examine the behavior and, through your plays (both successful and not), we were able to collect information that pointed at a different issue than what we originally thought. So, we’re confident that we’ve nipped this particular issue. We ask that you give Online Quickplay a shot and please confirm that it’s working for you. Also, know that we’re paying attention to all of the commentary and working hard to address the issues that you raise!